Be The Love You Desire
Be The Love You Desire


Do you want a loving relationship, but can’t find a suitable partner?

Are you currently in a relationship yet feel unhappy, dissatisfied or unloved?

Would you like to know how to attract more love and intimacy into your life?

“The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.”
 ~ Eden Ahbez, American Songwriter

To Be the Love You Desire in Your Life, begin by writing down your answers to the following questions:
  • How do I know that I’m loved, and what does ‘being love’ mean to me?
  • What are the qualities and values I want in an intimate partner?
  • Do I possess and express these same qualities and values?
  • Or, am I seeking an intimate partner to fill an emptiness or lack I perceive in myself?
    Imagine that you are the intimate partner you desire to attract.
  • Ask yourself, if I were them, would I love me?
  • Do I repel or reject, rather than attract the intimacy and love I desire?
You are Invited to Explore the Following Essential Steps for
Attracting Healthy, Happy, Loving Relationships
and Being the Love You Desire and Deserve.
What are the negative thoughts and behaviors that prevent you from attracting the love you desire?

Thoughts that are governed by fear, anxiety, guilt, blame, shame, distrust, judgments, excuses, self-deception, expectations, and other negative self-talk and emotions emit energetic vibrations that repel others. To become a magnet for love, it is essential to release negativity and allow your unconditionally loving nature to emerge.

How to begin releasing patterns that repel love and intimacy.

On an 8″ x 11″ sheet of paper, create two columns by drawing a vertical line down the middle. Label the left hand column Negative Beliefs to Release, and the right hand column, Affirmations for Positive Outcomes.

1. List your negative thoughts, behaviors and beliefs in the left column.
A negative belief might be, “I can’t have love in my life because I’m too old and nobody wants me.”

2. Create a positive affirmation for each negative in the right column.
A positive affirmation might be, “I am now attracting my perfect intimate partner who loves me just as I am.”

Complete your lists, then look at each affirmation for similarities to others. Combine them to create a total of three to five affirmations.

Write each positive affirmation on a 3″ x 5″ index card. Post these cards where you can read them at least three times daily for the next 28 days.

Speak your affirmations aloud as you gaze into your own eyes in a mirror (a perfect place to post your affirmations). This is a powerful way to embody these messages and create positive transformation. Do this three to five times daily for maximum results.

As you release beliefs that no longer serve your highest good, it’s important to also forgive everyone who helped you create negativity in your life, including…and especially…yourself.

When you affirm self-love daily, you will naturally become more loving, compassionate, accepting, forgiving, and even more beautiful.
Then, you too can honestly say, I AM LOVE!

With an open heart, mind and focused attention,
intention, and practice, you will begin to
attract the love you desire in your life.

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